Home-Start UK
“I would highly recommend Pearlfinders, myself and my team have had so much insight into companies and been able to personalise our ask and get it to the right people in a very short timespan. Thank you!”

Dale Carnegie
"We cannot recommend this service highly enough. The platform has had a profound impact on our prospecting efforts and resulted in significant sales success - it’s become indispensable for our sales team both today, and for the foreseeable future.”

Leo Learning
"The contact data is the best I’ve seen for the HR market. The advanced search function allows me to segment the HR database by relevance to our services to source email addresses, phone numbers and LinkedIn profiles for high-value prospects”

“Pearlfinders provides accurate, valuable up-to-date information on companies investing in L&D.”

Code First Girls
“Pearlfinders has been an incredibly useful tool for our team, helping us target smarter, quicker and engaging with new (and existing) partners in a more meaningful way.”

Eliesha Training
“Pearlfinders is an easy-to-use platform which has helped shape our marketing campaigns and supported with a number of new client wins.”

SANS Training
“Our most precious resource is time, and we've already seen significant ROI from the Pearlfinders insights and data.”

Cycle Solutions
"The insight and intelligence found in the reports, company profiles and contacts helps us identify timely opportunities to pitch our services to HR teams before we even pick up the phone.”