The Roald Dahl Story Company

How the organisation that manages copyrights for the world’s number one storyteller is using the Pearlfinders platform to identify the right people at the right brands to connect with.

The Client: The Roald Dahl Story Company protects and grows the cultural value of The Roald Dahl brand with its unique breadth of characters, stories and worlds. It has established a global reputation as a brand and entertainment business within the worlds of publishing, movies, products and events – and has earned a host of industry accolades along the way. 

The Roald Dahl Story Company is committed to sharing the positive message at the heart of all Roald Dahl stories- that the world can be tough, but with a combination of imagination, determination and heart, - everyone, no matter how small and powerless they feel, possesses the strength to change their own circumstances for the better. A belief in the growing relevance of this message and its positive impact is at the heart of everything RDSC does.

In the words of The Roald Dahl Story Company’s partnerships team: “Pearlfinders is a great tool that helps us identify the right brands for us to connect with. The daily insights are an excellent way to find out which brands and sectors are actively looking for partnerships, especially during these times. It gives us an opportunity to connect easily and directly via relevant insights, and more importantly the platform to connect with exactly the right people.”




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